TOKAI UNIVERSITY Researchers Guide 2020

We propose a scientific approach to the management of chemical sensitivities, by introducing the latest developments in diagnosis and treatment and provide insight into requirements for future study.ResearchAreasMedicine, dentistry, and pharmacyKeyword■Chemical Sensitivity■Environmental Toxicology■Clinical EcologyRelatedresearchSDGEects of Environmental Chemicals on Human HealthProfessorKou SakabeUndergraduate School of MedicineFaculty of Medicine Basic Medical Science and Molecular Medicine CourseThe human major histocompatibility complex (human MHC or Human Leukocyte Antigen; HLA) genomic region has been associated with more than 100 dierent diseases. It has not been claried, however, what specic HLA alleles are genetically related with the diseases in most cases. The aims of my research are to understand the molecular mechanisms of genetic diversity generation in the HLA genomic region and to apply the ndings to the development of diagnostics and therapeutics.ResearchAreasMedicine, dentistry, and pharmacyKeyword■Genetic diversity■MHC/HLA■Transcriptome■Disease susceptibility■Comparative genomicsRelatedresearchSDGElucidation of molecular mechanism of genetic diversity generation in major histocompatibility complexProfessorTakashi ShiinaUndergraduate School of MedicineFaculty of Medicine Basic Medical Science and Molecular Medicine CourseReactive oxygen species are generated as a by-product of biochemical reactions, in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes and other cellular components. The generation of ROS can provoke damage to multiple cellular organelles and processes in the aerobic organisms. We aim to elucidate the molecular mechanism of pathological conditions caused by reactive oxygen species. Current research interest is the molecular mechanism of liver fibrosis caused by the peroxidation of diacylglycerol, which is a key molecule of protein kinase c signaling. We are also engaged in research into the biological molecules that protect against oxidative stress-induced cell damage, and are advancing research with a view to future medical applications.ResearchAreasMedicine, dentistry, and pharmacyKeyword■Oxidative Stress■Lipid Peroxidation■Signal Transduction■Protein Kinase C■DiacylglycerolRelatedresearchSDGOxidative Stress;Lipid Peroxidation;Signal Transduction;Protein Kinase C;DiacylglycerolProfessorSusumu TakekoshiUndergraduate School of MedicineFaculty of Medicine Basic Medical Science and Molecular Medicine Course105

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