TOKAI UNIVERSITY Researchers Guide 2020

The laboratory focuses on skeletal diseases using experimental animals as models to develop novel therapeutics. Recently, we established a mouse mutant line for chronic multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) which shows bone destruction and bone pain by autoinammation (left panel). Using this model, we identied a multi-kinase inhibitor to cure disease expression (right panel). The model is extremely useful for in vivo drug screening.ResearchAreasBiological sciencesKeyword■Skeletal pain■Autoinammatory bone diseases□Mouse geneticsRelatedresearchSDGGenetics and Epigenetics of Skeletal diseasesAssociate ProfessorKoichiro AbeUndergraduate School of MedicineFaculty of Medicine Basic Medical Science and Molecular Medicine CourseThe oxidative stress and genomic instability are caused under unbalanced redox reactions between metabolism and catabolism. We are focusing on the homeostatic adaptations and changes on physiological aging with unbalanced redox homeostasis. We hypothesize that endogenous stressors caused by excessive metabolic products lead to oxidative stress and genomic instability resulting in cellular senescence. Furthermore, the unbalanced redox homeostasis causes homeostatic adaptations and changes through the HPA axis and autonomic nervous response results in individual aging. We propose to elucidate the mechanisms of individual homeostatic adaptations and changes are caused by endogenous stressors through the HPA axis and autonomic nervous response on physiological aging in short-lived mouse models.ResearchAreasMedicine, dentistry, and pharmacyKeyword■Aging■Oxidative stress■Genomic instability■Metabolism■Physiological agingRelatedresearchSDGOxidative stress and Genomic instability on AgingAssociate ProfessorTakamasa IshiiUndergraduate School of MedicineFaculty of Medicine Basic Medical Science and Molecular Medicine CoursePeople say the eyes are the windows to the soul. My research interest is how a variety of changes in the brain can be reected to eye movements. Currently we are focusing on: 1) Mechanisms of stress-induced eects on motor learning of reexive eye movements and 2) Characteristics of eye movements as signs for drunk and neuronal diseases. With a number of collaborators, we are working on these research projects that are expected to lead to the development of science/technology and the improvement of QOL.ResearchAreasComplex systemsKeyword■motor learning■Eye movement■Cerebellum■Optogenetics■PlasticityRelatedresearchSDGApproaches to the mystery of the brain and mind through eye movementsAssociate ProfessorAkira KatohUndergraduate School of MedicineFaculty of Medicine Basic Medical Science and Molecular Medicine Course107

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