TOKAI UNIVERSITY Researchers Guide 2020

Almost of long-distance running performance can be estimated by two aerobic energy metabolisms: maximal oxygen uptake and running economy. In particular, running economy determines the individual differences in long-distance running performance for highly trained distance runners. Therefore, athletes have to improve their running economy by training. My study aims to elucidate eective training to improve running economy using hypoxic environments, strength training, and plyometric training.ResearchAreasMedicine, dentistry, and pharmacyKeyword■Running■Hypoxic Enviroments■Training□Performance□Running EconomyRelatedresearchSDGElucidation of eectively training to improve running economyAssistant ProfessorFumiya TanjiCenter / Research Institute, etc.Sports Medical Science Research InstituteCenter / Research Institute, etc.Research Institute of AgricultureCenter / Research Institute, etc.Tokai University Research and Information Center (TRIC)Research in improvement on pregnancy rates in ruminant ungulates through the elucidation of molecular mechanisms associated with conceptus implantation and placentationResearchAreasAgricultural sciencesKeyword□Animal science□Cattle■Conception rate■Implantation■PlacentationRelatedresearchSDGImprovement in pregnancy rates in ruminant ungulatesProfessorKazuhiko ImakawaIn human knowledge acquisition, we actively select information to be acquired from the external environment and even generate novel information through internal thoughts. However, principles governing them remains unclear. I try to elucidate it using behavioral experiments, brain measurement, computational modeling, and machine learning-based data analysis. In addition, I address the social-level knowledge acquisition. Moreover, on the basis of results obtained from such studies, I develop human-like and human-complementing articial intelligence systems. One of my goals is to understand and augment how ‘we’ complement our incomplete worldviews as well as the world.ResearchAreasComplex systemsKeyword■Brain■Cognition■Learning■Knowledge acquisition■Machine learningRelatedresearchSDGRevealing cognitive and neural architectures in knowledge acquisition and generationJunior Associate ProfessorHiroki Kurashige142

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