TOKAI UNIVERSITY Researchers Guide 2020

Strength training is widely used in a variety of subjects and applications, such as prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, improvement of body shape and posture, prevention of care for the elderly, improvement of quality of life, deterrence of child's physical tness decline, improvement of athletes' competitive ability, etc. Our laboratory aims to contribute to the eld of training by promoting research and development on eective programs, practices, and teaching methods for strength training according to the target and purpose.ResearchAreasComplex systemsKeywords■Resistance training■Training programRelatedresearchSDGStudy on the method of strength training depending on the subject and purposeProfessorSeiji ArugaUndergraduate School of Health StudiesDepartment of Health ManagementMy research interest is on social policy and social work practice for family and children. Especially my focus on interaction between social work practice and social policy outcome. In recent years I have studied on solution for problems of relationship between local community social services and family with dependent children in Japan for example public assistance service for child poverty in local community area. My research have partnership with local government and local community services like NPOs.ResearchAreasSocial sciencesKeywords■Child welfare and policy■Family social work■Child povertyRelatedresearchSDGchild poverty and family social workAssociate ProfessorOsamu KobayashiUndergraduate School of Health StudiesDepartment of Health Management58

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