- 講師
- 学位:博士(商学)
- Undergraduate School of Business Administrations / Department of Business Administration
- Graduate School of Economics / Course of Applied Economics
- Management Accounting
- Management Control
- Performance Management
- Humanities & social sciences Accounting
- The Japanese Association of Management Accounting 学会賞(奨励賞)
- Japan Cost Accounting Association 学会賞(奨励賞)
The Characteristics of Japanese Management Control Research: A Comparison of International and Japanese Research Trends
The Usefulness of Product/Service Cost Information in Start-up Companies
The role of corporate planning departments as controllers in Japanese companies
The Influence of Performance Management Systems on Managers' Decision-Making : Interaction Effects of Design Features and Usages of Performance Management Systems
Controlling the Subsidiaries in Decentralized MNCs: Focusing on Parent-PMS Use and Subsidiaries’ External Embeddedness
Reviewing the Use of Performance Management Systems:: Developing a Framework for Future Reseach
Usage of management control systems in Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises : a exploratory research
The Influences of Parent-Performance Management Systems on Autonomous Subsidiaries
Use of performance management systems and trust in multinational companies : a experimental study
What Is the Use of Performance Management Systems, and Its Relationship to Organizational Contexts and Psychological Aspects of Managers?―An Exploratory Study
Headquarters’ Performance Management to Control Subsidiary’s Decisions and Actions :: The Perspective from the Use of Performance Management Systems
- Frontiers of Japanese Management Control Systems: Theoretical Ideas and Empirical Evidence
- AGC株式会社:2つの目標設定
- Balancing Empowerment and Control: The Controllability in the Context of Structural Empowerment
- Application of Controllability Principle in the Context of Structural Empowerment: Examining Performance Outcomes Based on U-shaped Perspective
- The Characteristics of Japanese Management Control Research: A Comparison of Western and Japanese Research Trends
- 「わが国マネジメント・コントロールにおける経営企画部門の実態」
- 「業績管理システムの運用に関する文献分析:分析枠組みの検討」
- 「業績管理システムの運用のフレームワークに関する検討」
- 「マネジャーに対する業績管理システムの影響:業績管理システムの運用方法,マネジャーの心理的エンパワメントに着目して」
- “The influence of parent-PMS on subsidiaries' decision-making: The perspectives of using process of parent-PMS and subsidiaries external embeddedness.”
- “The Effectiveness of the Use of Performance Management Systems: Developing a Framework for Research.”
- 「本社による在外子会社の業績管理:業績管理システムの運用方法に着目して」
- 「在日子会社トップ・マネジメントの意思決定に対する本社による業績管理の影響」
- accounting & finance
- 専門ゼミナール
- management analysis
- management accounting
- book keeping
- 専門ゼミ
- cost accounting
- book keeping
- management accounting
- マネジメント・コントロール・システム
- 工業簿記
- 簿記
- European Accounting Association
- Association for Information Systems
Interaction effects between the design and usage of performance management systems in decentralized organizations
A comprehensive research on the effects of corporate governance on management control systems
The influence of parent-PMS on subsidiaries'decision-makingThe perspectives of using process of parent-PMS and subsidiaries external embeddedness
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