Matsumoto Satoshi
- 教授
- 学位:博士(理学)
- Undergraduate School of Science / Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Graduate School of Science and Technology / Course of Science and Technology
- Graduate School of Science / Course of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- Computational Learning Theory
- Informatics Intelligent informatics
Learning of finite unions of tree patterns with internal structured variables from queries
- Information Processing Society of Japan
- The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Learning of formal graph systems and its application to graph mining
On relations of bound graphs and order ideals
On bound graphs and poset operations
Link Invariant From The Computational Topological Viewpoint
Machine learning theory for graph pattern languages and its applications to graph mining
On subgraphs and subposets of bound graphs
Link Theory from the Computational Topological Viewpoint
On bound graphs and simplicial vertices
On bound graphs and non-maximal cliques
Leaning of team tree languages
On bound graphs and cique covers
On relations between upper bound graphs and graph operations
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