松浦 弘行

Matsuura Hiroyuki

  • 准教授
  • 学位:博士(農学)



  • Undergraduate School of Marine Science and Technology / Department of Fisheries
  • Graduate School of Oceanography / Course of Oceanography



Cladoceran communities in offshore Suruga Bay, Japan: How are they formed?

Seasonal abundance of marine cladocerans in the offshore waters of Suruga Bay, Japan

Seasonal and vertical variations in phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters and primary production in Suruga Bay, Japan

Review on the fauna and the distributional ecology of pelagic chaetognaths in Sagami and Suruga Bays

Species diversity and vertical distribution of the deep-sea copepods of the genus Euaugaptilus in the Sulu and Celebes Seas

Biomass, vertical distribution and community structure of mesozooplankton in the Sulu Sea and its adjacent waters

Functional morphology of deep-sea copepods

Fine structure of the "button setae" in the deep-sea pelagic copepods of the genus Euaugaptilus (Calanoida: Augaptilidae)


Contribution of fungoid protists Labyrinthulomycetes to planktonic food webs and biogeochemical cycles in marine ecosystem


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