池内 眞弓

Ikeuchi Mayumi

  • 教授
  • 学位:博士(海洋科学)



  • Undergraduate School of Health Studies / Department of Health Management
  • Graduate School of Health Studies / Course of Health Management
  • Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Advanced Medical Science
  • Micro/Nano Technology Center



  • Life sciences Food sciences
  • Life sciences Nutrition and health science


Ingestion of taxifolin-rich foods affects brain activity, mental fatigue, and the whole blood transcriptome in healthy young adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study

Correction: Ingestion of taxifolin-rich foods affects brain activity, mental fatigue, and the whole blood transcriptome in healthy young adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study

Effects of Music on Physiological and Biochemical Markers in Patients with A Mood Disorder

Single Administration of Taxifolin—rich Extract to Young Adults Improves Their Sequential Single Task Performance ―A Randomized, Placebo—controlled, Double—blind, Crossover Trial―

How Prescribed Music and Preferred Music Influence Sleep Quality in University Students.

Phase II Study of S-1 Combined With Low-Dose Docetaxel as Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Operable Breast Cancer Patients (N-1 Study).

Research on the Frontal lobe Activation Effect of Music Therapy -Effects of Listening Music on Frontal lobe Activation by Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

A case of COPD with arteriosclerosis obliterans diagnosed by near infrared spectroscopy during the 6-minute walk test

[Effects of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia on sleep and usage of hypnotics among community-dwelling older adults: Randomized controlled trial].

Brain oxygenation state during the 6-minute walking test in patients with COPD

Lactococcus lactis JCM5805 activates anti-viral immunity and reduces symptoms of common cold and influenza in healthy adults in a randomized controlled trial

Mesh-Airtight-Preperitoneum: a simple method for confirming mesh placement in transabdominal preperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia.

Survey of Attitudes of Japanese Women Toward Genetic/Genomic Research.

Evaluating “Cosmetic Therapy” by Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Effects of Benzylglucosinolate on Endurance Capacity in Mice


Suppressive effects of Anoectochilus formosanus extract on osteoclast formation in vitro and bone resorption in vivo.


  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブ継続参加者の健康調査に関する研究
  • 音楽療法の脳機能に関する研究 近赤外分光法を用いた音楽聴取時の脳活動の評価(Research on the Frontal lobe Activation Effect of Music Therapy: Effect of Listening Music on Frontal lobe Activation by Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy)
  • 簡易型睡眠認知行動療法の高齢者の睡眠改善および睡眠薬減量に対する効果 無作為化比較試験
  • 6分間歩行試験時の近赤外分光法測定により閉塞性動脈硬化症が診断されたCOPD患者の1例
  • A case of COPD with arteriosclerosis obliterans diagnosed by near infrared spectroscopy during the 6-minute walk test
  • 生理活性作用を有する食品素材の探索
  • 38単位専門看護師教育課程におけるフィジカルアセスメント教育の実態把握 各大学院のホームページの検索結果から
  • 東海大学健康クラブ参加者の健康調査に関する研究 3年継続測定値の結果から
  • 化粧療法の有効性に関する研究 fNIRSによる脳機能の評価
  • 東海大学健康クラブ参加者の健康調査に関する研究―3年継続測定値の結果から―
  • 生理活性作用を有する食品素材の探索
  • 化粧療法の有効性に関する研究―fNIRSによる脳機能の評価―
  • 38単位専門看護師教育課程におけるフィジカルアセスメント教育の実態把握 各大学院のホームページの検索結果から
  • Research on the Frontal lobe Activation Effect of Music Therapy -Effect of Listening Music on Frontal lobe Activation by Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-
  • アスタキサンチンの抗肥満作用


Effect of Brief Sleep Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Preventing Depression in Postpartum Couples: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Establishing a system for participating in social activities at nursing home and verifying the effect of participation in social activities on health

Programing of physical assessment development of ability for CNS's and CN's

Effects of a brief cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on sleep and frailty among the elderly: a randomized controlled comparative study


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