那須 弘和

Nasu Hirokazu

  • 教授
  • 学位:博士(理学)



  • Undergraduate School of Science / Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Graduate School of Science and Technology / Course of Science and Technology
  • Graduate School of Science / Course of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences



  • Algebra
  • algebraic geometry
  • Hilbert schemes
  • Deformation theory
  • Obstructions to deformations
  • Algebraic curves


  • Natural sciences Algebra Algebraic Geometry


Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on a smooth cubic surface

Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano 3-fold

Corrigendum to “Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, III: Deformations of curves lying on a K3 surface”

Obstructions to deforming curves on a prime Fano 3‐fold

Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, III: Deformations of curves lying on a K3 surface

Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, II: Deformations of degenerate curves on a del Pezzo 3-fold

Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3 -fold, I: A generalization of Mumford’s example and an application to Hom schemes

Deformations of degenerate curves on a Segre 3-fold

The Hilbert Scheme of Space Curves of Degree d and Genus 3d-18

Obstructions to deforming space curves and non-reduced components of the Hilbert scheme


  • Stably degenerate and obstructed curves lying on a del Pezzo surface
  • Obstructions to deforming curves lying on a del Pezzo surface
  • Obstructions to deforming stably degenerate curves lying on a del Pezzo surface
  • Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on a del Pezzo surface
  • Obstructions to deforming curves on a Fano threefold and non-reduced components of Hilbert schemes
  • Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on a del Pezzo surface
  • Primary obstructions to deforming embedded curves and an application to the Hilbert scheme of space curves
  • 代数多様体上の曲線の変形障害とヒルベルトスキームについて
  • 楕円曲線束の構成とエンリケス・ファノ三様体のヒルベルトスキーム
  • Primary obstructions to deforming embedded curves and an application to the Hilbert scheme of space curves
  • Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on a smooth cubic surface
  • On the primary obstructions to deforming curves on a threefold
  • Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano 3-fold
  • Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano 3-fold
  • Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano threefold
  • 3次元エンリケス・ファノ多様体上の曲線の変形障害について
  • Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano threefold
  • Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano threefold
  • Obstructions to deforming curves on a prime Fano threefold
  • On the image of Hilbert-flag schemes and non-reduced components of the Hilbert scheme of Fano 3-folds




Study on Hilbert schemes from the viewpoint of morphisms of algebraic varieties

Obstructions to deforming curves on algebraic varieties and a study on their Hilbert schemes

Moduli spaces of algebraic varieties and self-morphisms

Deformations of curves on a uniruled variety and their obstructions

Deformations of curves on a higher dimensionalalgebraic variety and their obstructions

Deformations of curves on a higher dimensional algebraic variety and their obstructions


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