Nagai Hidetomo
- 准教授
- 学位:博士(理学)
- Undergraduate School of Science / Department of Mathematics
- Graduate School of Science / Course of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- Ultradiscrete Systems
- Soliton
- Discrete Integrable systems
- Natural sciences Mathematical analysis
Discrete and Ultradiscrete Periodic Phase Soliton Equations
Ultradiscrete permanent solution to the ultradiscrete Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation
The discrete Toda equation revisited: Dual β-Grothendieck polynomials, ultradiscretization, and static solitons
Tropical Krichever construction for the non-periodic box and ball system
Ultradiscrete Plucker relation specialized for soliton solutions
Bilinear equations and Backlund transformation for a generalized ultradiscrete soliton solution
A new expression of a soliton solution to the ultradiscrete Toda equation
- Discrete and ultradiscrete mixed soliton solutions
- On mixed ultradiscrete soliton solution
- On Ultradiscrete Systems
- 超離散2次元戸田方程式のソリトン解
- 差分・超離散系における解構造の対応
- 超離散ソリトン方程式と超離散パーマネント
- 連立線形方程式の一般解の差分・超離散対応
- コーシー・ビネの公式の超離散対応物
- A new solution to the ultradiscrete KP equation
- On Ultradiscrete Soliton Equations
- 超離散KP方程式の解の拡張
- Ultradiscrete analogue of determinant solution for the KP equation
- 超離散パーマネントが満たす関係式について
- Soliton Solutions to an Extended Box and Ball System Equation
- New type of solutions for the ultradiscrete soliton equations
Construction of ultradiscrete integrable system
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