Yuichiro Yoshinari
- 教授
- 学位:M.A
- Graduate School of Science / Course of Chemistry
- Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Applied Science
- Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Mechanical Engineering
- Language Education Center
- Eiken
- E-Learning
- Technology-Enhanced Language Learning
- Informatics Learning support systems
- Humanities & social sciences Foreign language education
Visualizing EFL Japanese University Students' Profiles : VELC Test to Mesure and Diagnose Their Proficiency(The Application of Contemporary Language Theories to Higher English Education: Focusing on the Importance of Content-based and Context-based Approa
PP3 LINGUAPORTA, An Learner-Adaptive Web-based Learning System : Its Concepts, Technologies and Features(Seibido Publishing Co., Ltd.,Publishers' Presentations,College English Curriculum Innovation in the 'New' Age of International Exchange)
Development of a Spiral Learning Mechanism for E-learning Drill Systems: Making Remedial Training Less Painful for Students and Instructors.
Development of an e-learning system with response-analytic spiral tasks
Developing an e-Learning system coping with individual learning capacities(Exploring the Evolving Goals of English Education)
RealMedia-based Language Instruction for CALL Environments.
- Step-up listening = ステップアップ・リスニング
- 合格できる単熟語英検準2級 : 例文でまるごと覚える : 23日完成
- Happy Days in England
- Turning Teaching Ideas into Real E-learning Solutions: Development of a Remedial English E-learning System for Undergraduate Students at a Japanese University
- An Adaptive Spiral Learning Mechanism for Sustaining User Motivation in E-learning Drill Systems
- Developing a Seamless Learning Environment Integrating e-learning and m-learning
- Using Interactive Media in Presenting Children's Narratives: Enriching the Context for the Acquisition of Communicative Skills in a Second Language
- Development of Web-based Groupware for Assisting Language Teaching
- Constructing a Film-script Database and the Possibilities for its Use as a CAI System
The effects of learner specific corrective feedback on language ability
Development of a Module-based, E-learning Platform for Studies on Teaching Design
Studies of Learning Strategies and Learning Load during e-Learning
Constructing an Integrated System of English Education at Japanese Primary, Junior High and Senior High Schools : With Emphasis on International Networking and Close Links with First Language Education
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