池田 知行

Ikeda Tomoyuki

  • 講師
  • 学位:博士(工学)



  • Undergraduate School of Engineering / Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Course
  • Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Mechanical Engineering



  • Aerospace, marine, and maritime Engineering Aerospace engineering Electric Propulsion, Satellite


Surface nirtiding process of zirconium cathode for arc-heated plasma wind tunnel

Performance Characteristics of Direct-Current Arcjet Thrusters -Use of Carbon Dioxide, Methan

Evaluation of Low Power Operating Characteristics of Miniature Anode-Layer Hall Thruster by Experiment and Particle Simulation

Research and Development of High-Power Steady-State Radiation-Cooled DC/MPD Arcjet Thrusters for Transportation in the Solar System

A photon-driven microthruster through interaction of ultraviolet photons and polymers


Development of All-solid State Miniature uvLED Plasma Thrusters using Photo-chamical Processes

Non-linear acceleration mechanism of photo-interaction of ultraviolet diodes and advanced materials


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