今村 誠

Imamura Makoto

  • 教授
  • 学位:博士(情報科学)



  • Undergraduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Department of Information and Telecommunication Engineering
  • Undergraduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Department of Embedded Technology
  • Graduate School of Science and Technology / Course of Science and Technology
  • Graduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Course of Information and Telecommunication Engineering



Matrix Profile XXX: MADRID: A Hyper-Anytime and Parameter-Free Algorithm to Find Time Series Anomalies of all Lengths.

A Symbolic Representation of Two-Dimensional Time Series for Arbitrary Length DTW Motif.

MERLIN++: parameter-free discovery of time series anomalies

Spikelet: An Adaptive Symbolic Approximation for Finding Higher-Level Structure in Time Series.

MERLIN: Parameter-free discovery of arbitrary length anomalies in massive time series archives

Matrix Profile XXI: A Geometric Approach to Time Series Chains Improves Robustness

Introducing time series chains: a new primitive for time series data mining

Time series chains: A novel tool for time series data mining

Matrix profile VII: Time series chains: A new primitive for time series data mining (best student paper award)

Exemplar learning for extremely efficient anomaly detection in real-valued time series


Development of a diagnosis, treatment selection, and prognosis prediction system for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease using explainable artificial intelligence

Time series datamining based on causal relationship combining statistics model and physical model


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