横山 由香

Yokoyama Yuka

  • 助教
  • 学位:博士(理学)



  • Undergraduate School of Marine Science and Technology / Department of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering Course of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering



Inception of ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions: Morphostructural analysis and dynamics in the early back-arc extension of the northern Okinawa Trough

Origin of Philippine Sea Basins During Subduction Initiation in the Western Pacific

Origin and Age of Magmatism in the Northern Philippine Sea Basins

An experimental study on the formation mechanism of tsunami boulders

Geological and geomorphological features in broken gravels from the North Senoumi-bank, Suruga-bay, Japan and its implications on Mega-earthquake


  • Geological and geomorphological features of Suruga Bay
  • Sediment features around the Fujikawa R. submarine alluvial fan, northern part of Suruga Bay
  • Thermal regime around the Chile Triple Junction based on JAMSTEC MR18-06 cruise 'EPIC'
  • An experimental study on the formation mechanism of tsunami boulders
  • Geological and geomorphological features in broken gravels from the North Senoumi-bank, Suruga-bay, Japan and its implications on Mega-earthquake


Understanding tephra transport and deposition processes and its impact on marine ecology associated with August 2021 eruption of the Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba volcano


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