本多 ゆみえ


  • 講師
  • 学位:博士(医学)



  • Undergraduate School of Global Studies
  • Undergraduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine



Effects of Pre-Existing Comorbidities on Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Subdural Hematoma.

Chronic Subdural Hematoma in Women.

Chronic subdural haematoma associated with disturbance of consciousness: significance of acute-on-chronic subdural haematoma.

Chronic Subdural Hematomas Associated with Arachnoid Cysts: Significance in Young Patients with Chronic Subdural Hematomas.

[What we can learn from a case of medical malpractice--surgeon is acquitted of wrongful death of his gastric cancer patient who died from multiple organ dysfunction syndrome following a duodenal stump leakage in gastrectomy].

[What we can learn from a case of medical malpractice--indemnity awarded for breach of duty: failure to transfer a patient with acute respiratory distress and difficult endotracheal intubation for an emergency surgical airway procedure].

[What we can learn from a case of medical malpractice--compensatory damages awarded to a patient with autonomic ataxia on administrative leave for emotional distress arising out of alleged inappropriate remarks made by his industrial physician].

[What we can learn from a case of medical malpractice--partial compensation awarded to a patient for damages resulting from the disclosure of personal medical information by the physician without prior express consent of the patient].


Embryopathegenesis of cerebral dysgenesis and involvement of NGF in the neuronal maturation


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