Mizushima Hisamitsu
- 教授
- 学位:修士(学際情報学)
- Undergraduate School of Cultural and Social Studies / Department of Media Studies
- Graduate School of Letters / Course of Communications
- Cultural studies
- Communication studies
- Digitization of media
- semiology / semiotics
- Audiovisual archive
- Media ethics
- Life history
- Humanities & social sciences Linguistics
- Humanities & social sciences History of thought
- Informatics Human interfaces and interactions
- Humanities & social sciences Philosophy and ethics
- Humanities & social sciences Sociology
- Humanities & social sciences Library/information science, humanistic/social informatics
War Materials Exhibition Practice and Digital Archive Theory :From Isehara City Peace Project
The "turn" and "interdisciplinarity": on the parallax of G. Lakoff and M. Johnson
Constraint and Control :The domain of "mind" and the generation of "meaning"
Discovering the Infinite: Time Experience and "Demon Slayer"
Benjamin L. Whorf and "Interdisciplinarity" ~On the Question of Language Contours~
Questions of space-time and being H.Innis and M.Heidegger, or an outpost to the 'media principle'.
Truth and Communication Attempt of Philosophical Map to Ask "Fake News"
“Life”History Research Methods and Environment Alain Corbin and Digital Archives
Fragment and Context : Image Formation of the Battle of Okinawa and "1 Foot" Movement
[P07] Issues on construction and utilization of regional video archives: From the case of Yubari city in Hokkaido
Earthquake Disaster and Risk Communication : An Agenda for a Cyclic Social Design
Television and Collective Memory : Interdisciplinary Study of Relation between Media Recognition and "Past"
Research on social circulation function of memory and image archive of 70 years after the war
A Study on the Reflexive Social Design through the Collection of "Regional" Images
A Study on local communication environment creation through the film archive
Information Semiotics Approach on TV analysis and Digital Critique Platform
The Analysis of Television Archive, War Films and Human Memory
Information Semiotics Approach on TV analysis and Hypermedia Encylopedia
Analysis of TV Text
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