Nishiguchi Hiromi
- 教授
- 学位:博士(経営工学)
- Undergraduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Department of Information and Telecommunication Engineering
- Undergraduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Department of Management Systems Engineering
- Graduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Course of Information and Telecommunication Engineering
- Management
- Care
- Management Engineering
- Ergonomics
- Welfare Engineering
- Human Behavior, Human Resource
- Informatics Human interfaces and interactions
- Life sciences Medical and welfare engineering
- Japan Industrial Management Association encouragement award
Proposal of New Map Application for Distracted Walking When Using Smartphone Map Application
Continuous Affect Rating in Cartesian Space of Pleasure and Arousal Scale by Joystick Without Visual Feedback
A Study on the Work Consciousness of Care Service Providers in Providing Recreation Service
A Study of the Influence of D/C Ratio on the Rate of Positioning Time in Mouse Operation
Round-table Talk: Ergonomics Toward Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020, and for the Coming Super-Aging Society with Declining Birth Rate
Influence of the Safety Margin on Behavior that Violates Rules
2E1-3 The Influence of the Communication Skill of Care Service Providers on their Work Consciousness:- An Analysis Using Behavior of Care Service Receivers as a Mediator -
2A3-1 Effects of Advanced Driving Assistance System on Driving Behavior:-Risk Compensation Behavior on Pre-Crash braking system-
Study on family care providers' cognition of and need for the emergency message system
A Study on the Time Estimation Measurement for Web Usability Evaluation
A study on Adding Sounds to Improve Safety of Quiet Hybrid Cars
The Motive and Health Locus of Control of the Aged who Use Preventive Care Service
Support Method for Improving Ability of People with Cerebral Palsy to Efficiently Point a Mouse at Objects on a GUI Screen : Adjustment of the D/C Ratio with Respect to Movement Time and Positioning Time
Support Method for Improving the Ability of People with Cerebral Palsy to Efficiently Point a Mouse at Objects on a GUI Screen
Support Method for Improving Ability of People with Cerebral Palsy to Efficiently Point Mouse at Objects on GUI screen : Minimization of Motion Time by Adjustment of D/C gain
A study of the characteristics of keyboard operation of cerebral palsy patients : Discussion from the movement distance for key stroke
The characteristics of mouse pointer operation in a positioning task of cerebral palsy patients on GUI screen
The Pursuit and Saccadic Eye Movement Characteristics of Cerebral Palsy Patients
- Human Behavior and Organitional Behavior -Perspectives for Improving the Performance-
- Welfare Engineering
- Human Resource Management
- Industrial Engineering
Elucidation tacit knowledge supporting an expert nurse's advance practice for apathetic patients with stroke
Effective Acquisition of Compensatory Behavior in Patients with Unilateral Spatial Neglect: The Voluntaristic Role
A study of nursing intervention programs for apathy patients-The effect of using games to enhance patients' motivation-
Comparative Study on Job Adaptation and Health Management of Industrial Workers in Three Different Areas of Japan
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