Yamamoto Shizu
- 教授
- 学位:博士(教育学)
- Undergraduate School of Letters / Department of English
- Graduate School of Letters / Course of English Literature
- constructivist learning
- interpersonal communication
- Intercultural Development Research Institute Director
A Study of “Integration” in the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
The Intercultural Sensitivity Development Scale: Combining the Japanese Perspective with Theoretical Consistency
An Exploratory Study of Intercultural Experiences of Home Visit Hosts
An Exploratory Study of Tsugaru/Nanbu Identities in Aomori
Role of tolerance in communication with diverse people
Perception of Cultural Difference and Levels of Culture : A Discussion Based on the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
Perception of Experiencing Cultural Difference : A Description from the Japanese Perspective based on the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
A study of face-to-face communication strategies that invigorate intercultural cooperation
Cooperation between Foreign and Japanese Local Government Employees in Large- and Small-scale Organizations : A Case Study of Acceptance of Foreign Employees through the JET Programme
Does Communication Increase Interpersonal Awareness and Reconstruct Relationships?(Part 2)-A Case Study of Learners' Experiences of the Workshop Daveloped for the JET Programme CIRs and Tantosha
Does Communication Increase Interpersonal Awareness and Reconstruct Relationships?(Part 1)-Workshop Development for the JET Programme CIRs and Tantosha-
An Explanatory Study of Relationship and Communication : Coordination of JET Programme CIR into Japanese Local Government
Applicability of the Intercultural Development Inventory : Toward the Development of Japanese Version
Applying the developmental model of intercultural sensitivity in Japanese context
A Theoretical Grounding of the Intercultural Sensitivity Model
- Experiencing Intercultural Communication: Growing up with "Differentness"
- Intercultural Communication
- What is “Integration” of the DMIS?
- Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity and Micro-otherness Approach
- Theory and Practice of a New Textbook on Intercultural Training: Encountering “Difference” through Perceptual Constructivism
A study of intercultural adaptation and intercultural education based on the differences in mobility between urban and rural areas in Japan.
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