TABATA Tomoaki
- 教授
- 学位:博士(経営工学)
- Undergraduate School of Business Administrations / Department of Business Administration
- Undergraduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Department of Management Systems Engineering
- Graduate School of Science and Technology / Course of Science and Technology
- Graduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering / Course of Information and Telecommunication Engineering
- Informatics Statistical science
Purchase Support System in Online-shop
A Scheme of Dynamic Analysis for Compensatory Discrete Choice Model
Self-Efficacy for Job-Hunting Activities in University Students
Effects of computer-assisted career guidance system on career decision-making self-efficacy and career indecision of junior college freshmen
An Asymmetric Option Game in a Duopolistic Real Estate Market
Visualization of Employee Work-Life Balance for Work Style Reform
Research on conflicts between work, childcare, and nursing care, aiming for effective support by companies / local governments
Study on the Middle-aged and Elderly People's Perception towards "Graves": Decision-making Process about Their Own Graves as Life Event
The Research of the Strategic Result-oriented Financial Management System for the Government
Brand Switching Structure and Competitive Marketing Strategy in Consumer Durables
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