- 准教授
- 学位:博士(農学)
- Undergraduate School of Agriculture / Department of Animal Science
- Undergraduate School of Agriculture / Department of Animal Science
- Graduate School of Agriculture / Course of Agricultural Sciences
- Life sciences Ecology and environmental science
PMEL p.L18del associates with beef quality of Kumamoto sub-breed of Japanese Brown cattle.
Causative alleles for chondrodysplastic dwarfism, factor XI deficiency, and factor XIII deficiency in the Kumamoto sub-breed of Japanese Brown cattle.
PMEL p.Leu18del dilutes coat color of Kumamoto sub-breed of Japanese Brown cattle.
Leptin gene contributes to beef marbling standard, meat brightness, meat firmness, and beef fat standard of the Kumamoto sub-breed of Japanese Brown cattle.
Underground locomotion in moles: kinematic and electromyographic studies of locomotion in the Japanese mole (Mogera wogura).
Tethered spinal cord related to caudal spinal dysraphism in a tailless Holstein calf.
Elucidating genetic characteristics of the Kumamoto sub-breed of Japanese Brown cattle with DNA markers for economically important traits
MC1R c.310G>‐ and c.871G > A determine the coat color of Kumamoto sub‐breed of Japanese Brown cattle
The variable heartbeat of Japanese moles (Mogera spp.).
Magnitude of food overabundance affects expression of daily torpor
Huddling facilitates expression of daily torpor in the large Japanese field mouse Apodemus speciosus
Relationship between burrow opening density of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) and vegetation of grazing alpine rangeland in the source region of three major rivers in Tibetan Plateau
Long term feeding of the endangered Amami spiny rat (Tokudaia osimensis) under laboratory conditions
ニホンヤマネGlirulus japonicusの活動期における休息場所としての朽ち木の利用
Subterranean spatial utilization of the lesser Japanese mole, Mogera imaizumii (Kuroda, 1957)
Seasonal changes in the diet and diet selectivity of large Japanese moles, Mogera wogura (Temminck, 1842)
- 熊本系褐毛和種集団の遺伝的特性
- 阿蘇地域における斜面崩壊した野草地植生の自然回復に及ぼす崩壊深度の影響
- 無尾を呈するホルスタイン種子牛に認められた脊髄係留症における脊髄円錐部の構造解析
- ジャコウネズミの休眠特性
- 熊本地震における大学牧場での対応状況
- 阿蘇地域の人工草地におけるニホンノウサギ(Lepus brachyurus)の出現状況
- 牛の心臓奇形における心室中隔欠損症の形態学的解析
- コウベモグラおよびヒミズの消化管内微生物叢の比較
- コウベモグラによる土壌攪乱に関する研究
- 野草地におけるモズの餌資源としてのバッタ目の生息状況
- はやにえを指標としたモズによる野草地の利用状況
- 環境変化に対応するジャコウネズミの柔軟な休眠利用
- チベット高原野草放牧地におけるクチグロナキウサギ(Ochotona curzoniae)の生息密度と植生
- 黒毛和種繁殖雌牛の繁殖形質に及ぼす父牛の影響に関する研究
- 放牧地におけるコウベモグラの生息地選択―放牧によるモグラ類の被害管理の可能性―
- 盲腸切除がトリトンハムスターの食糞行動に及ぼす影響
- ハドリングと日内休眠の複合利用による小型げっ歯類のエネルギー節約
Functions as ecosystem engineers of wild animals on natural revegetation of native grassland landslides by natural disasters
Studies on natural revegetation processes on landslide scars caused by natural disasters of semi-natural grasslands in Aso region
Effects of grazing use of native grasslands on habitat status of Bull-headed Shrike -Evaluation of biodiversity based on the shrike-
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