Yamaguchi Yumiko
- 教授
- 学位:Ph.D
- Undergraduate School of Tourism / Department of Tourism
- Language Education Center
- Intercultural Communication
- Humanities & social sciences Foreign language education
- Humanities & social sciences English linguistics
- Humanities & social sciences Linguistics
- The Japan Second Language Association 広報委員
- The Japan Second Language Association 運営委員
- The Japan Second Language Association Chair, 23rd International Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association (J-SLA) conference steering team
- Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition (PALA) Scientific Committee for PALA 2023
- Chair of organizing committee for PALA 2016
- Tokai University Teaching Award 2023
Processability Analysis of the Acquisition of English L2 Syntax by Japanese and Chinese Speakers
The Acquisition of Lexical Mapping in English as a Second Language: A Study Using Two Learner Corpora
Comparing Two Approaches for Measuring English as a Second Language
Plural Marking in Spoken and Written Narratives: A Corpus-based Study of Japanese Learners of English
Development of Relative Clause Constructions in English L2
Acquisition of English Morphology by a Japanese School-aged Child: A Longitudinal Study
- Processability Theory and Language Acquisition in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Processability Approaches to Second Language Instruction
- Widening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues
- Grammatical Development in Second Languages: Exploring the boundaries of Processability Theory
- Child Second Language Learning: A Study of English as a Second Language Acquisition
- Research in Second Language Acquisition: Empirical Evidence Across Languages
- An Analysis of ESP Textbooks from a Processability Perspective
- Testing the ‘intermediate’ stage of the Lexical Mapping Hypothesis: A corpus-based study
- Testing the Steadiness Hypothesis in Processability Theory through a learner corpus of English speaking and writing by Japanese L1 speakers
- Acquisition of English Syntax in L2 by Japanese L1 and Chinese L1 Speakers Using ESL Corpora
- The Acquisition of English as a Second Language among Japanese and Chinese Students
- Proficiency and Development in L2 learning: A learner corpus analysis of English narratives
- PT stages and the CEFR levels in English L2 syntax
- Comparison between PT stages and the CEFR levels: The Case of Japanese Learners of English
- English (Tourism Resources in Japan)
Relationship between developmental stages in Processability Theory and CEFR levels
An empirical study of speaking and writing by Japanese learners of English based on a large-scale narrative corpus
- International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Child Bilingualism Centre, Consultant
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