河野 光智

KOHNO Mitsutomo

  • 准教授
  • 学位:博士(医学)



  • Undergraduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine


  • Denmark
  • Cancer Treatment
  • Drugs
  • Emergency Medicine


  • Good Health and Well-Being



  • Life sciences Respiratory surgery


Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-Conjugated Hemoglobins as a Red Blood Cell Substitute

Polyoxazoline-conjugated porcine serum albumin as an artificial plasma expander for dogs.

Zinc Substituted Myoglobin−Albumin Fusion Protein: A Photosensitizer for Cancer Therapy

Core-Shell Structured Hemoglobin Nanoparticles as Artificial O2 Carriers.

Early reperfusion with hemoglobin vesicles into tracheal subepithelial capillaries in a mouse tracheal transplant model

Hemoglobin-albumin clusters as an artificial O2 carrier: Physicochemical properties and resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock in rats.

Enteric-type thymic adenocarcinoma: a case report and literature review focusing on prognosis based on histological subtypes.

Bioinspired carbon monoxide delivery using artificial blood attenuates the progression of obliterative bronchiolitis via suppression of macrophage activation by IL-17A.

A desmoplastic fibroblastoma that developed in the anterior mediastinum: a case report.

A surgical Case of Synchronous Multiple Primary Lung Cancers with Small Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

The Incidence of Hemorrhagic Complications Was Lower With the Guide Sheath Than With the Conventional Forceps Biopsy Method: Results of Bronchoscopy in the 2016 Nationwide Survey by the Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy.

Myxofibrosarcoma that Developed Rapidly in the Breast of an Elderly Man and Recurred Early after Surgery: A Case Report.

Immediate effects of systemic administration of normal and high O2-affinity haemoglobin vesicles as a transfusion alternative in a rat pneumonectomy model.

Postintubation tracheal stenosis 35 years after neonatal resuscitation.

Analysis of key clinical features for achieving complete remission in stage III and IV non-small cell lung cancer patients.

Current status of diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy in Japan: 2016 national survey of bronchoscopy.


  • 肺移植後急性肺障害における肺上皮細胞障害の関与
  • Rho-kinase阻害剤による虚脱後再膨張肺損傷の抑制機序
  • Contribution of Rho kinase to re-expansion lung injury in rabbits
  • 再膨張性肺水腫におけるRho-Rho kinase経路の役割
  • エンドトキシン(LPS)持続静注肺損傷モデルにおける高濃度酸素曝露による気腫性変化について
  • Contribution of neutrophils to change in epithelial permeability of the re-expanded lung after prolonged atelectasis in rabbits
  • Contribution of neutrophils to change in epithelial permeability of the re-expanded lung after prolonged atelectasis in rabbits
  • Hyperoxia and endotoxemia have opposite effects on lung collagen metabolism in late-phase hyperoxia and continuous endotoxin infusion-induced lung injury
  • 高濃度酸素暴露下エンドトキシン持続静注による急性肺損傷late phaseのコラーゲン代謝に関する検討
  • Epithelial permeability of the re-expanded lung after prolonged atelectasis in rabbits
  • 虚脱後再膨張肺に生じる肺損傷―肺血管および上皮透過性の検討
  • Pulmonary collagen degradation is increased in late phase acute lung injury induced by hypoxia and endotoxin continuous infusion
  • Varying routes of LPS administration induce different inflammatory responses in rats
  • Varying routes of LPS administration induce different inflammatory responses in rats
  • 高濃度酸素暴露下エンドトキシン持続静注による急性肺損傷 late phase のコラーゲン代謝に関する検討
  • 虚脱後再膨張にともなう肺損傷に関する実験的検討
  • 紫綬のLPS投与経路ラットにおける肺TNFα mRNA発現の相違
  • 種々のLPS投与経路ラットにおける肺TNFα mRNA発現量の相違
  • カラードマイクロスフェアを用いた移植肺癌モデルにおける腫瘍内微小環境の観測
  • 肺癌手術症例の再発様式と治療法についての臨床的検討


Initial experiment with transbronchial cryoablation as a new local treatment for malignant peripheral lung lesions

Analysis of epithelial lining fluid in a canine lung transplant model

Occult injury in the residual lung after pneumonectomy

The cytostatic effects of zoledronic acid on ACC-MESO-1 cells

The detection and analysis of the stromal cell included in the pulmonary venous blood of the resected lung cancer specimen.

Effect of oxygen infusion with hemoglobin vesicles on respiratory insufficiency

Application of hemoglobin vesicles for lung transplantation

A mouse model of lung tissue transplantation with biocompatible scaffold materials

Analysis of oxygen transport to malignant tumor and mechanism of enhancing effect of treatment by oxygenation of tumor tissue

Biochemical and proteomic analysis of epithelial lining fluid for early diagnosis of respiratory diseases

Lung cancer cells metastasize together with tumor-derived host cells

Diagnpsis of lung cancer with human monoclonal antibody


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