デビット ウェイン デビッド
- 講師
- 学位:修士(言語学)
- Undergraduate School of Physical Education
- Language Education Center
- Contact Situations
- Intercultural Interactions
- Sociolinguistics
- Language Management Theory
- Critical Thinking
- Other Other Language Management Theory
- Other Other Critical Thinking
- Other Other Soociolinguistics
- JALT (Japanese Association of Language Teachers) Critical Thinking SIG- Membership Chair
- Tokai University Tokai Gakuen Olympics
- JALT (Japanese Association of Language Teachers) Critical Thinking SIG-Program Chair
- Tokai Univeristy L-Navi Committee (Language Learning Commons Development)
- Tokai University International Student Fair Committee
- Tokai Univeristy Reading & Writing Curriculum Committee
Metacognitive activities as critical thinking with L2 writing assignments
What are you talking about? Japanese EFL learners lacking background knowledge
Friendships in Japan: The foreign language social network development experiences of Japanese learners of English
Meeting a Canadian: A Japanese perspective on a contact situation in English
Critical thinking in Japanese learners: a discourse perspective
Teaching speaking: raising learners’ awareness using PANDA methodology
Conversation analysis in the classroom: Guiding learners to self-assess using classroom interactional competence guidelines
- Metacognition and writing assignments; Helping students think about what they are doing
- On-Line Reflective Research Projects for University Students
- Perceptions, motivation and troubles: Interactional strategies of Japanese English language learners in Japan
- Deconstructing the myth of the native speaker
- Background knowledge and EFL learners.
- What are you talking about? Japanese EFL learners lacking background knowledge
- Japanese EFL Learners’ Social Network Development
- What Are You Talking About? EFL Learners in Japan
- Critical discussions: Experiences of Learners
- Conversation analysis and higher order thinking skills
- Intercultural Communication for Sports Leisure Management (Department Course)
- Communication: Theory and Practice
- Reading and Writing (Academic English) 2nd year
- Listening and Speaking 1st year
- Listening and Speaking (Global Skills) 2nd year
- Reading and Writing 1st year
- Cross-cultural Communication
- English International Communication
- English Communication II
- English Communication I
- English Conversation
- JALT (Japanese Association of Language Teachers)
- Tokai Student Pilot Admissions
- Tokai Student Pilot Admissions
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