Oshimi Daichi
- 准教授
- 学位:博士(スポーツ科学)
- Undergraduate School of Physical Education / Department of Sport & Leisure Management
- Graduate School of Physical Education / Course of Physical Education
- Marketing
- Regional Revitalization
- Olympics
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Rugby
- Sport Consumer Behavior, Socio-economic impact of sporting event, Customer delight in Sports, Event leveraging
- Life sciences Sports science
- Asian Association for Sport Management Vice President
- Asian Association for Sport Management Outstanding presentation/Oral The Motivation and Barriers for Academic Conference Attendance: Insight from an International Sports Management Conference
- Sasakawa Sport Foundation Best Research Award Leverage strategies for maximizing the impact of sporting events on host cities
- Asian Association of Sport Management. Best Presentation Effects of Hosting International Sporting Events on City Branding from the Dual Perspectives of Host Residents and People outside the Host City
- Global COE Program Waseda University Best Poster Presentation Customer delight in sport
COVID-19の流行中における東京2020でのリスク認識が、信頼、イベント体験、及びイベント支援に与える役割 Role of risk perception on trust, event impact experiences, and event support in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics during the COVID-19 outbreak
何が住民の冬季メガスポーツイベントへの開催承認を動機づけるのか? What motivates residents’ approval of hosting another winter mega-sporting events?
How do event organizers and stakeholders collaborate to achieve the event’s strategic objectives? Leveraging the Tour de Okinawa
Temporal Externalities of Mega-events: Perceived Impact and Trust of Tokyo 2020 Spill over to Attitudes towards Sapporo 2030 Bid
身体活動/受動的スポーツと包括的な幸福感/孤独感の関係におけるスポーツPERMAの役割 The mediating role of sport-specific PERMA in the relationship between physical activity/passive sport and global well-being/loneliness
学会参加の動機と阻害要因: 国際スポーツマネジメント学会からの考察 The motivations for and barriers to academic conference attendance: Insights from an international sport management conference
ノンメガ継続スポーツイベントの開催地コミュニティ開発への活用戦略:複数のケーススタディーによるアプローチ Leveraging strategies of recurring non-mega sporting events for host community development: a multiple-case study approach
広島県における住民のスポーツライフと快楽的・持続的幸福感との関係:スポーツにおけるPERMAの役割 Relationship between residents’ sporting life and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in Hiroshima: the mediating role of PERMA in sport
イベントの社会的インパクト:社会的インパクト尺度に関する洞察の進展 Social impact of events: advancing insights on social impact scales
プロサッカーチームにおけるCSR活動のSROI(社会的投資収益率) Calculating the Social Return on Investment of a Japanese Professional Soccer Team's Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
ラグビーワールドカップ2019開催期間中の開催地域住民に期待・経験された社会効果:パネルデータによるアプローチ Expected and Experienced Social Impact of Host Residents During Rugby World Cup 2019: A Panel Data Approach
ラグビーワールドカップ2019が住民の心理的幸福に及ぼす影響:心理的資本の媒介的役割 The effect of Rugby World Cup 2019 on residents’ psychological well-being: a mediating role of psychological capital
客観 v.s. 主観によるイベントの社会効果: 新たな尺度の検証 Other- versus Self-Referenced Social Impacts of Events: Validating a New Scale
学習組織を通じてオリンピックでのワーク・エンゲージメントを促進するリーダーシップ Responsible Leadership as an Approach to Facilitate Olympic Work Engagement via Learning Organization
日本におけるCOVID-19の流行とスポーツイベントに対する認識 The COVID-19 outbreak and public perceptions of sport events in Japan
Social Impact of Mega-Sporting Events
スーパーラグビー初観戦者とリピーター観戦者の比較:観戦動機、心理的つながり、行動意図に着目して Comparison between First and Repeat Spectators of Super Rugby Games : Focusing on Spectators' Motivations, Psychological Connections, and Behavioural Intentions
サッカー女子代表戦における観客の愛着とその行動意図への影響 Spectators’ points of attachment and their influence on behavioural intentions of women’s national football games
- Routledge Handbook of Sport and COVID-19
- The socio-economic and branding impacts of an international sporting event in Japan Le Tour de France Saitama Criterium
- Asian Sport Marketing Textbook. Current and Future Development in Sport Tourism in Japan.
- Sports Management and Sports Humanities
- スポーツ産業論 第6版
- スポーツ白書5th Edition
- Social Return on Investment of a Japanese Professional Soccer Team’s Social Business Activities: A Triple Bottom Line Approach
- A Place Attachment to the Local Professional Sport Team: A Cluster Analysis Perspective
- The Motivation and Barriers for Academic Conference Attendance: Insight from an International Sports Management Conference
- Social Impact, Trust, and Risk Perception of Host Residents in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics during the COVID-19 Crisis
- Developing an International Collaborative on Trickle-Down Effect Research: Improving Evidence, Theory and Practice
- Expected and experienced social impact of host residents during the 2019 Rugby World Cup: A panel data approach
- Leveraging Strategies for Sustainable Non-mega Sporting Events: A Mixed-Method Approach
- Exploring antecedents of sustainable sporting event
- Sport Management
- Sport Management
- Academic Writing
- Sport & Leisure Management (Communication)
- Sport Management
- North American Association for Sport Management
- European Association for Sport Management
The Social Impact of Sporting Events and Developing Event Leverage Strategies
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