田村 輝之


  • 准教授
  • 学位:博士(経済学)



  • Undergraduate School of Political Science and Economics / Department of Economics
  • Graduate School of Economics / Course of Applied Economics


  • No Poverty
  • Quality Education
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth



  • Humanities & social sciences Economic statistics


Votes for excluded minorities and the voting behavior of the existing majority: A laboratory experiment

Risk-Averse and Self-Interested Shifts in Groups in Both Median and Random Rules

Effect of proxy voting for children under the voting age on parental altruism towards future generations

A comparative analysis of children’s time use and educational achievement: Assessing evidence from China, Japan and the United States

Voting on Behalf of a Future Generation: A Laboratory Experiment

Working Hours and KAROSHI Risk Assessment

Accessing Suicidal Ideation from Responses to Queries on Subjective Well-Being

Rising aspirations dampen satisfaction

Investor response to a natural disaster: Evidence from Japan's 2011 earthquake


  • Accessing Suicidal Ideation from Responses to Queries on Subjective Well-Being
  • Multidimensional Poverty in Japan
  • Job Satisfaction and Cohort effects: Empirical Evidence from Japan
  • Determinants of Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study of OECD Countries


Research on Educational Inequality in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Investigating Global Issues Through Innovation of Online Survey and Experimental Methods

Investigation of the long-term causal effect of economic inequality on educational inequality based on longitudinal survey and experiments of parent-child pairs and international comparison

Analysis on financial markets and economic policy using internationally comparable data

Instruments for promoting compliance under an emission trading scheme: Experimental analysis of market trading


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