川越 敏和

Kawagoe Toshikazu

  • 講師
  • 学位:博士(学術)



  • Undergraduate School of Humanities and Science / Department of Community and Social Studies
  • Liberal Arts Education Center, Kyushu Campuses



  • Life sciences Neuroscience - general
  • Humanities & social sciences Experimental psychology


  • Japan Human Brain Mapping Society Encouragement Award for Young Scientist


Developing the Japanese and English versions of the Mind Blanking Questionnaire (MBQ): validation and reliability

Two models of mind blanking.

Mask wearing provides psychological ease but does not affect facial expression intensity estimation.

No relationships between frequencies of mind-wandering and perceptual rivalry.

Executive failure hypothesis explains the trait-level association between motivation and mind wandering.

Overview of (f)MRI Studies of Cognitive Aging for Non-Experts: Looking through the Lens of Neuroimaging.

Automatic gaze to the nose region cannot be inhibited during observation of facial expression in Eastern observers.

Prefrontal Plasticity after a 3-Month Exercise Intervention in Older Adults Relates to Enhanced Cognitive Performance.

Task-related thought and metacognitive ability in mind wandering reports: an exploratory study.

Bodily ownership and agency sensations in a natural state.

Altered resting-state functional connectivity of the frontal-striatal circuit in elderly with apathy.

Impact of Early-Commenced and Continued Sports Training on the Precuneus in Older Athletes.

Life Skills Link to Mind Wandering Among University Students: An Exploratory Study.

Characteristics of resting-state functional connectivity in older adults after the PICMOR intervention program: a preliminary report.

Developing and validating the Japanese version of Dimensional Apathy Scale (J-DAS).

Eastern observers cannot inhibit their gaze to eye and nose regions in face perception.

The association of motivation with mind wandering in trait and state levels.

The neural correlates of "mind blanking": When the mind goes away.

P2-06-03. Behavioral mechanisms for adaptive learned avoidance of mental effort

Subjective memory complaints are associated with altered resting-state functional connectivity but not structural atrophy.


The association between motivation and mind-wandering

Older adults' internal body models and their neural bases

Study for individual tendency of mind-wandering and its manipulability


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