三橋 祐子

Mitsuhashi Yuko

  • 准教授
  • 学位:博士(看護学)



  • Undergraduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Nursing
  • Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Nursing


  • Good Health and Well-Being
  • Partnership for the Goals



  • Life sciences Gerontological and community health nursing


[Features and evaluations of organizational support provided by occupational health nurses in private practice for the implementation of sustainable health and productivity management in medium-sized enterprises].

Features and evaluations of organizational support provided by occupational health nurses in private practice for the implementation of sustainable health and productivity management in medium-sized enterprises

Countermeasures of COVID-19 and Difficulties Faced by Staff in Charge of Countermeasures in SME during the First Two Years of the Pandemic ―Exploring Appropriate Public Health Services―

Current status of collaboration with public health services by occupational health nurses, and related factors

Examining Occupational Health Nurse Competencies when Collaborating with Public Health Services


  • Actual situation and sense of difficulty of those in charge of Covid-19 countermeasures, by establishment size


Collaboration with public health services by small and medium-sized enterprise employers. To support employees' health and prevent employees from leaving the workforce for childcare or nursing care

Clarification of competency of public health nurses for promotion of health and productivity in small and medium-sized comapnies and development of support model

Development of a new support model for promoting health care of truck drivers in a small and medium-sized enterprises.

Development and Validation of a Practical Educational Method for Improving Public Health Collaborations by Occupational Health Nurses

Competencies and Training Strategies for Occupational Health Nurses : Reconstruction of Academic/Practical/Educational Bases by Adding Knowledge of Occupational Health Field

The clarification of the collaboration competency for occupational health nurses and cross- municipal public health staff in regional and educational program development and inspection

Ecpected roles and competencies for public health nurses sought by the modern society


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