Yamahana kyoko
- 教授
- 学位:博士(文学)
- Undergraduate School of Letters / Department of History Archaeology Course
- Undergraduate School of Cultural and Social Studies / Department of Asian Studies
- Graduate School of Letters / Course of Civilization Studies
- Institute of Civilization Research
- Micro/Nano Technology Center
- Art
- Archaeology
- Egyptian Civilization
- History Of The Western World
- Humanities & social sciences Sociology/history of science and technology
- Humanities & social sciences Art history
- Humanities & social sciences Archaeology
Ancient Egyptian faience - Some Observations through the Replication of Efflorescence, Cementation, and Application Methods
Historical consideration of Ancient Egyptian faience through a craftsman’s point of view
Revealing the Ancient Egyptian’s Piety through Scientific Investigation of a Baboon God Figure Progress Report of the Crowd Funding Project of Tokai Universit
The first papyrus restoration project in Japan: Educating students to become papyrus conservators
Typological and Scientific Analyses on glass Beads of Tokai University Andean Collection
Ancient Egyptian Sulfur Beads
A Vitreous Medallion from the Tomb of Khnumit, Middle Kingdom : Its Byblite Connection and a Hypothesis of Manufacture
Research and Scientific Analysis of the Ancient Egyptian Faience in Ohara Museum of Art
Glass Beads from Tokai University Andes Collection
Study of Ancient Egyptian Beads Made of Sulfur
Reproduction of Ancient Egyptian sulfur neklace : As an Example of interdisciplinary Collaboration
A Study on Faience Objects in the Ghaggar Plains during the Urban and Post‐Urban Indus Periods
Replicating Ancient Egyptian Faience using an Efflorescence Technique
Making the Ancient Egyptian Faience Tiles : Experiments with Efflorescence, Application and Chemical Deposition Methods
Nondestructive Analysis of the Ancient Egyptian Vitreous Relics by Neutron
Two Roman Egyptian Vessels in MECCJ
Ancient recipe of glass making
Four New Kingdom Vitreous Artifacts of Amenophis III from Nariwa Museum
- Why were the ancient Egyptian Phraohs male?
- Ancient Western Asia and Greece
- OHARA MUSEUM OF ART- Art and Architecture
- Leadership of the Pharaohs
- Following the History of Homo Sapience through Beads
- The demotic and hieratic papyri in the Suzuki collection of Tokai University
- ANCIENT GLASS-Feast of Color
- Learn Ancient Egypt - The gold of Tutankhamen -
- Jewerlly and Body Ornament in Ancient Egypt - Sacred blue of Faience-
- Jewerlly and Body Ornament in Ancient Egypt
- Jewerlly and Body Ornament in Ancient Egypt -How was the mask of Tutankhamen made-
- Jewerlly and Body Ornament in Ancient Egypt -Gold Granulation and the dagger of Tutankhamen-
- The Ancient Egyptian Study at Tokai University
- The worship of Thoth in Ancient Egypt - Study and Conservation of a cultural hertage through a crowdfunding
- Archaeological artifact and science
- Revealing the Ancient Egyptian faience making technique: manganese coloring and multiple firing
- Applicalibity of Crowdfunding to the scientific research of cultural heritage
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- Replicating the ancient Egyptian faience in three methods - experiments and considerations-
- Glass beads from Andean Collection of Tokai University, Japan
Dynamics and Knowledge and Cultural Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Ways of Transmitting Knowledge in the Ancient Mediterranean World
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