Kanno Kazue
- 教授
- 学位:博士(教育学)
- Undergraduate School of Health Studies / Department of Health Management
- Graduate School of Health Studies / Course of Health Management
- Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Nursing
- Humanities & social sciences Special needs education
- Humanities & social sciences Educational psychology
- Humanities & social sciences Social welfare
Practice of School Social Worker with Children for Facilitating Social Needs in Sri Lanka
Young People Caring for their Parents: A Collaborative Study in Japan and Sri Lanka
The psychometric properties of the Mood, Interest & Pleasure Questionnaire (MIPQ) for workers with intellectual disabilities in general private companies and special subsidiary companies
ダウン症のある生徒の書記表現力の事例的研究 日記文における品詞の構成を中心に
大学生の親扶養意識と高齢社会に対する関心度ならびに老いのイメージに関する2国間比較研究 スリランカと日本の比較調査結果の分析
Life and development of school-aged children with Mowat-Wilson Syndrome and the needs of their parents
The Difficulty of Physical Education Classes in Schools for Special Needs Education : Focusing on The Elementary Department
An Analysis of Social interaction of a Student with Autism in Teaching Situation using a Picture Diary : A case study focusing on the joint attention and the emotional expression
Development of the mental health assessment for adults with intellectual disabilities in competitive employment: The MIPQ-J
A Review of School maladjustment by children with developmental disability
The measurements of communication skills at the project of "KIKIGAKI" (listening and documenting) by senior high school students in Asian
Parenting of children with Down's syndrome : Analysis of the role behavior and conjugal communication
Stress Patterns of Nursery Teachers in Daycare Centers for Children with Disabilities
The present situation of special subsidized companies employing people with intellectual disabilities on and problems yet to be solved
- 環境学習におけるICTの活用による学習支援の試み~iPadを利用した環境学習の実践~
- 発達障害児の記憶研究と教育支援について‐言語と視空間情報による短期記憶,ワーキングメモリ,展望記憶について‐
- 学齢期のMowat‐Wilson症候群児をもつ保護者のニーズ―面接による実態調査を通して―
- Development of the mental health assessment for adults with intellectual disabilities in competitive employment: The MIPQ-J
- 知的障害者の就労場面におけるメンタルヘルスのスクリーニング法の開発の試み―The Mood,Interest&Pleasure Questionnaire(MIPQ)を用いて―
- 知的障害者のメンタルヘルスに関する予備的研究―MIPQ日本語版の作成―
- 発達障害児の学習支援・コミュニケーション支援のためのアセスメント法の開発―学齢期の言語コミュニケーション能力評価の新たな提案と試行に向けて―
- 介護予防における生活目標と自主トレの定着へのとりくみ―健康で生き生きとした生活に向けて―
- 学齢期自閉症児を育てる母親のストレスに関する研究
Study on the support system model of consistent special support education for the intellectual and duplication, developmental disabilities from the very early stage
Development of the mental health assessment for adults with intellectual disabilities
Development of compositions and support program in individuals with Down syndrome
Development of teaching materials and teaching methods using sound pronunciation system for special need education
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