新入生の皆様へ/Welcome to Tokai University!

Welcome to Tokai University!

Please check this webpage and prepare for admission. 

湘南キャンパスまでの行き方/How to get to Shonan Campus

湘南キャンパス(Map of Shonan Campus)

開講スケジュール/Academic Schedule

学期の授業開始日は学年暦のページおよびTokai Information Portal Siteにてご確認ください。
We will inform you detailed information about schedule of this semester by Official web site or Tokai Information Portal Site

ガイダンス資料/Orientation Documents

The orientation documents can be downloaded below. Please read them with “International Students Guide Book”.


Please read “Tokai University International Student Guide Book” thoroughly beforehand. You will get useful information about Campus Information, Residency Management System, Scholarship, and so on.

調査書/Survey Form

入学時に必ず調査書を提出してください。提出方法はTokai Information Portal Siteをご覧ください。
Please submit this form at school entry. We inform you how to submit it by Tokai Information Portal Site

Tokai Information Portal Site→キャビネット→所属するカレッジオフィス→「02_各種手続き」→「留学生支援・海外派遣留学」→「ガイダンス資料」→「各種手続きについて」(カレッジオフィスによって場所が変わることもあります。)

在留カード/Residence Card


You must ALWAYS carry your Residence Card with you, and you must present it when formally requested by an officer of the Ministry of Justice, a police officer or suchlike. If you lose your Residence Card, you must go to the local police office. Then, you must go to the immigration office for re-issuing within 14 days after losing your card.  Further, Application for extending visa status is accepted 3 months prior to the expiration date of your period of stay. 

住民登録/Registration at Local City Office

International residents with “Student Visa” have to register yourself as the foreign residence at the local city office within 14 days of moving into the place of residence.  Further, when you go back to your country and move to another place, you have to submit “Moving-Out Form” at the local city office.

【市区町村の窓口で行う手続き/Procedure at the Local City Office】

海外から来日した新入生/New Students from abroad
届出期間/Reporting Period必要なものその他 Others
上陸許可から14日以内Within 14 days of  Permission of Landing(1) 住民異動届  Move-In Form 
(2) 届出人の印鑑  Seal of Applicant
(3) パスポート Passport
(4) 在留カード Residence Card
住民異動届の届けが終わったら国民健康保険の申請をしてください。After registering your address, you are obligated to enroll into the National Health Insurance at the same time.
日本から海外へ帰国する時/When you go back to your country
Before going back
(1) 転出届 Moving-Out Form
(2) 届出人の印鑑 Seal of Applicant
(3) パスポート Passport
(4) 在留カード Residence Card
After submitting Moving-Out Form, you must report to your municipal office and complete paperwork necessary to terminate your National Health Insurance membership.
国民健康保険/National Health Insurance

After arriving at Japan, you are obligated to enroll into the National Health Insurance. You will only be responsible for paying 30% of the costs of consultation and treatment for illness by National Health Insurance.
*You have to pay the fee of National Health Insurance. You can pay it at convenience store.

<加入方法/How to enroll>

  • 自分の住んでいる所の市(区・町・村)役所へ行き、手続きをしてください。/Please go at the local city office. 
  • 在留カードと学生証が必要となります。*有料/ Please bring your residence card and student ID card.

This is for citizens of Hiratsuka City. If not, please survey the place of city, town or village office by yourself.

銀行口座の開設/Opening Bank Account

You need a bank account for money transfer, payments, withdrawal, and receiving some scholarships and salaries of part-time job. Further, it is convenient to  pay public utility charges (electricity, water and gas) by automatic debit transfer. To open bank account, residence card and your seal are necessary. (Some banks will do by your signature.)  If you do not have your seal, you can buy it at a seal shop. In buying a seal, please designate your katakana name. The seal does not have to be an expensive one.

寮・住居/Student Housing

We prepare a cheap dormitory for the students of Japanese Language Course and exchange students. For graduate students and undergraduate students, we introduce an apartment near the university.