Ito Mika
- 教授
- 学位:M.A
- Undergraduate School of Childhood Education
- Undergraduate School of Childhood Education / Department of Childhood Education
- Language Education Center
- Humanities & social sciences Foreign language education
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 学会賞・学術出版物選考委員会委員
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 学会賞・学術出版物選考委員会委員
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 学術出版委員会Selected Papers担当
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 関東支部・紀要編集委員長
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 関東支部・幹事
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) Kanto Chapter Steering Committee
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 国際大会組織委員会支部(第56回)運営委員
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) セミナー事業委員(英語教育セミナー担当)
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 第6回関東支部大会・審査委員
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) 関東支部・学会誌編集委員長
- The Japan Association of English Teaching in Elementary Schools (JES) 第12回全国大会(千葉大会)実行委員
Implications from the “1974 Recommendations,” as the origin of international understanding education: Toward an interdisciplinary approach to English language teaching
Lessons learned from the Abolition of the Teacher License Renewal System - Reconsidering the Professionalism of Teaching
The Growing Shortage of School Teachers: Perspectives on the Impact on English Education in Elementary Schools
The Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction for the elementary school English in Japan
Literacy of English in Japanese education reconsidered: A criticism of Foreign/English language policy of the Japanese government
Integration of university English classes with cross-cultural and international understanding: “Jibungoto-ka”and awareness of otherness through SDGs Utilization
English Lesson Design to Promote English Language Learners' Conceptual Understanding: from the perspective of coherent education from primary to tertiary
Developing Elementary School English Curriculum from a Cross-curricula Perspective: the CBCI Model to promote transferable understanding
Developing competency-based English programs : a cross-curricula perspective to teach writing in college
Uniting SDGs and CLIL Lesson Designs to Get EFL Learners to Think Globally, Act Locally
Recent Development of the 2020 Education Reform in Japan
Pre-service EFL teachers and the English Core Curriculum: A case at a private Japanese university
How to make SDGs “relatable”: Using the CLIL framework for English Language Education
- My Picture Dictionary NEW HORIZON Elementary English Course (2024)
- NEW HORIZON Elementary English Course 6(2024)
- NEW HORIZON Elementary English Course 5 (2024)
- New horizon elementary : English course 6
- New horizon elementary : English course 5
- English and Development: Policy, Pedagogy and Globalization
- 英語教師の成長 : 求められる専門性
- 新英語科教育の基礎と実践 : 授業力のさらなる向上を目指して
- これからの小学校英語を考える-教科化で求められる学級担任の存在-
- 日本リメディアル教育学会(JADE)
- 多文化関係学会(JSMR)
- 大学英語教育学会(JACET)
- 日本「アジア英語」学会(JAFAE)
- 異文化コミュニケーション学会(SIETAR JAPAN)
- 小学校英語教育学会(JES)
- 日本国際理解教育学会(JAFIE)
- 日本児童英語教育学会(JASTEC)
Professional Competences of English Language Teachers
Working Toward a Coherent Primary-to-Secondary English Education System: A Study on Teacher Education Standards
A Comprehensive Study on the Framework of English Language Teachers'Professional Development in Japan
A study on linkage between primary school and secondary school English teaching in Japan
Developing English Teacher Competencies : An Integrated Study of Pre-service Training, Professional Development, Teacher Evaluation, and Certification Systems
From Sounds to Letters : Development of Phonemic Awareness focused Teaching Materials for Elementary School English in Japan
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